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Privacy Policy

XO (which means XO and their associated companies) is committed to protecting your privacy when you use our on-line, telephone or other services (“Services”). In this policy we explain how and why we collect your information, what we do with it and what controls you have over our use of it. From time to time, we add or change functions, features or products to our Web Sites or add or change Services. This, and our commitment to protecting the privacy of your personal information, may result in periodic changes to this Privacy Policy. As a result, please remember to refer back to this Privacy Policy regularly to review any amendments.

Any questions regarding our Privacy Policy should be directed to contact at XO at XO or alternatively see the section “Comments” below.

Your acceptance of these Privacy Statement terms

By using any of the sites within our web site network (“Web Sites”) or our Services, you unconditionally agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

What data do we collect and how do we use it?

XO collects and processes information about you in order to:

identify you each time you visit a Web Site or wish to have a Service provided;
process orders or applications submitted by you;

improve our Services and Web Sites

Customise your experience, for example, provide advertisements that we think are relevant to you and which support any specific requests for information you may make through keyword searches;

carry out research on the demographics, interests and behaviour of all of our customers; and

send you information we think you may find useful, including information about new XO products and services.

You may be asked, either when you register with us, or at other times, for information about yourself, such as your name, e-mail address, postal address and telephone number. You may also be asked to share with us your interests, hobbies and preferences. In addition, when you order certain goods or services from our Web Sites, we will need to know your credit/payment card number and expiration date.

You are under no obligation to provide this information, but if you don’t then we may not be able to provide you with certain services or personalise your experience and tailor our Services for you (for example, tell you about special offers on things you’re interested in).

Log files/IP addresses

When you visit our Web Sites, we automatically log your IP address (the unique address which identifies your computer on the internet) which is automatically recognised by our web server. We use IP addresses to help us administer our Web Sites and to collect broad demographic information for aggregate use. We do not link IP addresses to personally identifiable information.

Non personal information

We may automatically collect non-personal information about you such as the type of internet browsers you use or the site from which you linked to our Web Sites. You cannot be identified from this information and it is only used to assist us in providing an effective service on our Web Sites. We may from time to time supply the owners or operators of third party sites from which it is possible to link to our Web Sites with information relating to the number of users linking to our Web Sites from their sites. You cannot be identified from this information.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information that a Web Site transfers to your hard drive to store and sometimes track information about you. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of a Web Site if you do so. Cookies are specific to the server that created them and cannot be accessed by other servers, which means they cannot be used to track your movements around the web. Although they do identify a user’s computer, cookies do not personally identify customers or passwords. Credit card information is not stored in cookies.

We use cookies for the following reasons:

  • To identify who you are and to access your account information;
  • To estimate our audience size and patterns;
  • To ensure that you are not asked to register twice;
  • To control how often visitors see similar ads;
  • To track preferences and to improve and update our Web Site; and
  • To track the progress and number of entries in some of our promotions and contests.

With whom is the information shared?

XO will not share, sell or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may disclose your personal information to third party suppliers who provide services on our behalf.

XO may disclose aggregate statistics about our sales, our Web Site visitors and customers of our telephone services in order to describe our services to prospective partners, advertisers and other reputable third parties and for other lawful purposes, but these statistics will not include personally identifying information.

XO may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or if it believes that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights, property or personal safety of XO and its Web Sites, visitors to the Web Sites and customers of our Services. Our Web Site contains links to the sites of third parties. When you visit these sites, we suggest that you read their privacy policies. XO is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such sites.

We will only sell or rent your personal information to a third party either as part of a sale of the assets of a XO company or having ensured that steps have been taken to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected.

Information about products and services

It is very important to us that we provide you with the highest level of service. In order to help us do this, from time to time XO companies may send you details of our products and services which we think may be of interest to you. If at any time you do not wish to receive these details, please e-mail


XO places a great importance on the security of all information associated with our customers. We have security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of customer data under our control. For example, our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary and only authorised personnel have access to user information. With regard to our Web Sites, we use secure server software (SSL) to encrypt financial information you input before it is sent to us. While we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration of data will not occur, we use our best efforts to prevent this.

Where is the information stored?

Information which you submit via our Web Sites or our telephone services is stored on a computer located in the European Economic Area. This is necessary in order to process the information and to send you any information you have requested. Information submitted by you may be transferred by us to our other offices and to reputable third party suppliers, which may be situated outside the European Economic Area. Not all countries outside the EEA have data protection or privacy laws. In addition, if you use our Services while you are outside the EEA, your information may be transferred outside the EEA in order to provide you with those Services.


Please e-mail any questions, concerns or comments you have about our Privacy Policy to or write to us at: Remedies Laser, Skin and Health Clinic 30 High Street, Topsham. Exeter EX3 OEDq

Complaints Policy

Client satisfaction is of paramount concern to XO Clinics. This complaints procedure is designed to ensure that concerns or complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively.  This procedure is applicable to all services and products offered as part of XO Clinics’ range of services and products.

XO Clinics believes that if a client wishes to make a complaint or register a concern, they should find it easy to do so. It is our policy to welcome complaints and look upon them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services. This policy is intended to ensure that complaints are dealt with appropriately and that all complaints or comments by Clients are taken seriously.

The Policy is not designed to apportion blame, consider the possibility of negligence or to provide compensation.

Clients are entitled to lodge an initial complaint verbally by telephone, in person or in writing via email or post. XO Clinics are happy to provide Clients with assistance during the complaints process.

If a complaint is received, the Client’s name, address and telephone number will be taken. The nature of the complaint and the date (if applicable) will also be noted.

XO Clinics require all complaints to then be put in to writing, either by email or post, addressed to the Clinic Manager.  The Client will receive a response within 14 Clinic working days of the date of receipt of the complaint. This time will allow us to fully investigate the matter.

Any information regarding a complaint received, whether in person, in writing, by email, through an online review or by telephone will be initially dealt with by the Therapist involved.  This serves two purposes. Firstly, the Therapist will be fully conversant with all the services being carried out and is able to understand the nature of the complaint. Secondly, it acknowledges to the client that the complaint is being taken seriously and that they are considered important.  This prevents a potentially difficult situation from being made worse.

Once the Client has left, or the telephone conversation has ended, or the written complaint has been received, the person taking the complaint will inform the owner and the Clinic Manager immediately with the details via email to or

Depending on the nature of the complaint, during the course of the investigation, XO Clinics may require the Client to attend an additional Consultation meeting with the Therapist involved in their service treatment. If the Client is not satisfied with this initial attempt at resolution or have any objection to being seen by the Therapist, the Clinic’s Manager will review the case.

If the complaint cannot be resolved by the Clinic Manager, the matter will be referred to our Director.

The Client should be aware of our No refunds on Service Policy and Products.

XO Clinics will endeavour to resolve any complaints quickly, efficiently and effectively.  Our objective is to provide an explanation or a solution to the Client’s complaint.

Client satisfaction is of paramount concern to XO Clinics and this complaints procedure is designed to ensure any concerns or complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively.  This procedure is applicable to all services offered as part of XO Clinics range of services.

Health and Safety Policy

XO Clinics is committed to providing a safe environment and will:

  • Provide guidance on safe working practices for staff and candidates
  • Incorporate health and safety knowledge into all candidate’s activities
  • Provide information, procedures and equipment for fire and emergencies
  • Provide information, procedures, and equipment for accidents
  • Provide training and up-to-date information on health and safety to all concerned
  • Promote a responsible attitude to health and safety throughout the clinic
  • Provide monitoring processes for the above

XO Clinics will ensure that its candidates:

  • Observe the clinics health and safety regulations including new COVID-19 hygiene rules
  • Co-operate with others in keeping the environment safe
  • Take care to avoid injury to themselves or others by being appropriately dressed and not misusing or causing damage to equipment, materials, or the premises
  • Report any hazard to the trainer in charge or other responsible person immediately

Safeguarding Policy

XO Clinics recognise their moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all candidates and employees of XO Clinics, in accordance with the Care Act 2014.

XO Clinics endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where all learners are respected and valued. XO Clinics will act quickly and follow procedures to ensure learners receive help and effective support, protection, and justice.

All learners and employees, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion, or sexual identity, have equal rights to protection.

XO Clinics have responsibility to identify learners who may benefit from extra assistance and to act on any suspicion or disclosure that may suggest a candidate is at risk of harm.

XO Clinics will ensure there is a culture of transparency, openness and, if needed, challenge with regards to maintaining high standards in safeguarding.

Data Protection Policy

XO Clinics is obliged to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, (GDPR), together with the Data Protection Act, 2018. These supersede the Data Protection Act 1988 and the Data Protection (Amendment) Act, 2003.

XO Clinics data protection policy applies to the keeping and processing of personal data, both in manual form and on computer, including personal data on all XO Clinics staff, candidates and clients visiting XO Clinics for practical treatments.

XO Clinics promotes respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages, and ways of life in society.

XO Clinics seeks to enable each candidate to develop his/her full potential and provide a safe and secure environment for learning.

XO Clinics will ensure that the data protection rights of learners, staff and client’s visiting the clinic are safeguarded. Personal data will be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security is applied to protect the data, including protection from unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage using appropriate technical and organisational security measures.

Equality and Diversity Policy

XO Clinics is committed to ensuring equality for all candidates, clients, and staff regardless of their role. There is a commitment to encourage every individual to realise their full potential. Training or access to assessment will not be affected by gender, ethnic origin, nationality, religious belief, social circumstances, marital status, age, or physical and intellectual ability.

The requirement of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976 and update in 2000, the Employment (disabled Persons) Acts of 1944 and 1948, the Equality Act 2010 and the Disability Act 2010 will be respected as well as any amendments or extensions.

Equality will be integrated into all planning, procedures, and course resourcing. All promotional materials, course schemes and display items will not reinforce stereotypes and will reflect the diversity of society.

All staff and candidates will be advised of the policy to be pursued with clients and visitors to the centre.

There will be a positive reinforcement of the requirements of the policy statement and equality of provision will be monitored and reviewed at regular intervals among staff and candidates. Action will be taken if required.

Encouragement will be given to discuss any concerns over these issues when they occur. A process will be in place to allow these concerns to be fully and confidentially discussed. Support and advice will be available to help those concerned to understand the problems and take steps to resolve them.

In the first instance, any problems should be brought to the attention of XO Clinics director.

There will be an on-going action plan to reinforce the stated policy.